
How to Enroll

1 Meet With an Advisor

If you are unsure about which classes to enroll and would like to make an appointment with an advisor, you can set up your appointment online or call (309) 694-5281. First-time students are encouraged to meet with Advising. Your adviser will assist you with setting up your Academic Program Planner.

2 Place Classes in Your Shopping Cart

When the catalog is first available, you may store classes in your shopping cart until it’s time to enroll. Visit and follow these steps

A. Enroll When the Session Opens

When enrollment is open, return to your shopping cart and select the classes you wish to enroll. Once you enroll, it will automatically move the classes into your semester schedule.

3 Make Financial Arrangements

It is now your responsibility to take care of your balance by the Tuition Due Date. You may pay your balance in full, set up a payment plan, or apply for financial assistance/scholarships.

4 Attend New Student Orientation

Visit the New Student Orientation webpage to register.