Faculty & Staff


What is Assessment?

Assessment is an activity that considers the effectiveness of a lesson, goal, or curriculum. To this end, the result of the activity could drive changes for improvement or validate the activity as a working method for achieving goals and/or objectives.

Assessment Due Dates

  • Spring Assessment Reports Due: September 15.
  • Fall Assessment Reports Due: February 15.
  • All completed assessment reports are sent to Academic Deans using forms on the website.

Assessment Projects: Which Form do I Use?

  • Each department will decide which assessment or assessments to complete that year. Work with your colleagues to plan your assessment project.
  • Assessment projects may span multiple years and involve more than one faculty member.
  • If you need assistance or guidance, reach out to your Assessment Faculty Fellow, an Assessment of Student Learning Committee member, or your dean.

Assessment of Student Learning Documents and Forms

Course Assessment Project

Collaborative Course Level Assessment Project or Single Section Course Level Assessment– These projects are designed to give faculty the opportunity to work collaboratively in assessing student learning and to work through assessing a common learning outcome for multiple semesters.

ILO Statements and Assessment Rubrics

ILO assessments make connections between faculty-selected CLOs and evidence of achievement of the statement of intent for each ILO: Communication, Reasoning, and Responsibility.

Collaborative Assessment Projects (CAP)

Career and Technical Education (CTE) program courses are aligned to program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and labeled with an expected level of attainment (I = Introduced; R = Reinforced; or D = Demonstrated) on a program map. In order to assess the attainment of program SLOs, program faculty update the Assessment of Student Learning Worksheet. This worksheet contains descriptions of the methods of measurement, aligned to program courses, and achievement targets for SLOs. Program faculty are to plan SLO assessment so as to ensure that student attainment of SLOs.

Courses unaffiliated with Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs are aligned to Course-Level Outcomes (CLOs). While some of these courses may also reflect Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs), their assessment within the discipline will not be measured via the ILO process. Instead, disciplinary assessment will take place via an examination of CLOs in multi-section disciplinary courses.

CTE Program Assessment

Programs of Study Assessment (Discipline)

Assessment Faculty Fellows

Faculty fellows provide assessment guidance to academic disciplines and act as assessment mentors to faculty to ensure assessment practices at the course, program, and ILO level are aligned to the institutional assessment plan.


Faculty fellows provide assessment guidance to academic disciplines and act as assessment mentors to faculty to ensure assessment practices at the course, program, and ILO level are aligned to the institutional assessment plan.

Professional Development

For professional development opportunities, visit staging-iccprod.kinsta.cloud/faculty-staff/professional-development or contact the Teaching and Learning Center at tlc@staging-iccprod.kinsta.cloud.